Monday, April 7, 2014

Fair Weather Runner

Every year when I would find a sudden influx of runners on my usual trails, I would know that it was officially the start of spring. These new runners, in their fancy matching gear, were a better indication of the season than Punxsutawney Phil. I would snidely think to myself 'they're not real runners. Where were they a few weeks ago when the trail was covered in ice and I was waddling around in layers of spandex?' Ugh, the Fair-Weather Runners; the worst kind of runners.

Cut to 3 years later and I'm one of them. Oh Karma, you betch. If you've read my blog before, you know I've been trying to add running back into my normal routine. I've found new exercises that I love, but running was my first love and I will always be trying to rekindle that magic.

Well, this spring I am determined to get back to running and I did it the best possible way I knew how; set a hard deadline and threaten public embarrassment and personal failure if I don't succeed ;)

I've signed up for 3 races this Spring-Summer season to help force me into running again!

Rabbit Run 5K- April 19th

The first race is in 2 weeks. I've been running for enough years that 5Ks don't make me nervous at all. I'm running this one with a few friends so I'm planning on just taking it easy (I'm shooting for around 30 minutes) and have fun. I mean, it's at the zoo so it's gotta be fun, right? ...Right?

See Chicks Run 10K- June 1st

This race is in Wissahickon Park (a super big awesome park with lots of trails!) and is ALL girls (chicks) and ONE DUDE (rooster). I'm running this one with a friend also and I'm really looking forward to it!

Sorry for the TERRIBLE picture quality. I'll post a better one later.
Since I've never run a 10K (and it seems like a way more serious distance than a 5K- no hate to all you 5k-ers though, just personal preference!) I've committed myself to a training program. I kind of altered Hal Higdon's 10K training program and integrated it with my workouts that I do at the Lithe Method. Training for me is all about injury prevention so the more cross training and strengthening I can do, the better!

Also, check out these sweet new kicks that I WON from Philadelphia Runner! They're the Nike Free Flyknit 3.0's and they are amazing!

Rock N' Roll Philadelphia Half Marathon- September 21st

Are you noticing a trend??? Yep the mileage is going up, good for you! I've run the Rock N Roll Half Marathon once before in 2012 and even with the terrible under-training I did it was still awesome! This year I'm hoping to come back (beat my time) and do it the right way with a solid base of training!

Also, I have convinced myself that I NEED a Garmin Forerunner 220. I mean my birthday is coming up and I deserve this $300 watch right? Well, I don't think my parents agree (nor does my bank account).

Does anyone run/cross train with the Garmin Forerunner 220? Is it as amazing as I think it is?

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