Monday, February 17, 2014

The End of a Long Weekend

Happy President's Day! Because of snow I haven't had work since Wednesday which means today is the last day of my 5 day weekend. To be honest, I'm not ready to go back to work yet (I have too much work waiting for me when I get there...) but I don't really have a choice. So at least I made the most out of my day today! 

I woke up early (after going to bed late) all because I'm finally reading Divergent. I know I'm about a year behind on the trend, but this book is so good! If you like The Hunger Games I am 99.9% certain you will like Divergent.

I have all 3 books downloaded together which is why it looks like the book has 952 pages. I started reading this book last night and I'm already 251 pages in. That's how good it is!

Nick and I went to Target this morning to pick up some things for around the house but we also ended up doing our grocery shopping there too.

Why hello cashew cranberry almond mix.

Next I was off to Lithe to take a 12:15 class- A-List Abs. My abs were burning. After 1 hour of pure ab-enhancing torture, I went to PAWS (Philadelphia's animal shelter) and took a dog out for a run.

This is Sage! She was really sweet and didn't pull too much on the leash! She also ran at a pace similar to mine (about a 9:00min mile) so we got along really well!

If you're interested in learning more about Sage, you can go to

Once I got home I made a salad with my new fixings and drank some Miso Ginger Broth from Trader Joe's. That stuff is surprisingly good. I think it will be a new pantry regular!

One piece of bad news: both my boyfriend and I put our names in the lottery for the Broad Street 10 Miler and neither of us got in, so that kinda bummed us both out some. 

Anyway, I'm off to take a shower and then read more Divergent.

Did anyone else get a nice long weekend because of the snow? Did anyone get into the Broad Street Run?

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